All About Retain'd Monthly Retainer Program
Brand owners! You're going to love our updated service list for 2024, especially our new program Retained. Here's what you need to know before you join. What is Retain'd and...
Black Friday Trends 2023
Book your black friday campaign planning session until August 31, 2023. Normally, I wouldn't suggest being a follower but all bets are off for Black Friday. During the sale season, it's...
How to Make Money When You're Broke
Small businesses often face a common problem - a lack of funds. But, being broke doesn't necessarily mean that a small business can't make money. With a little creativity and...
How to Prepare for Black Friday / Cyber Monday 2023
Black Friday is one of the biggest shopping days of the year, and it's critical for eCommerce businesses to prepare well in advance to take advantage of this opportunity. With...
Black Friday Announcement - Planning Starts Now at Rework'd
It’s that time again to prepare for your Black Friday Sale! We’re excited to get started on all your promotional projects but we want to make sure you have all...
How to Grow Your Email List
Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to reach your audience and promote your business. However, to make the most of your email marketing efforts, you need to...
How to Have A Successful Website Launch
Launching a website can be an exciting and nerve-wracking experience. However, if you prepare your small business to launch successfully then the nerves can go away quickly.
Communication Keys Your Designer Will Love You For
Effective communication is key to a successful website or design project. Here are some tips for communicating with your website or designer: